The Validation workshop for the creation of an Occupational profile of a UTM/UAV controller in postal services was successfully hosted by AKMI International on April 9th 2021. The workshop’s activities were conducted via the Zoom platform with the participation of experts from across 4 European countries: Greece, Cyprus, Croatia and Germany.

The group of 15 experts, drone operators, postal operators, professors & VET trainers of aeronautical schools gave their valuable insights to crystalize the technical aspects required for the use of drones in parcel deliveries!

The objectives of this workshop were to review the occupation of a drone operator, identify his / her duties, reach consensus on duties, determine the task of a drone operator, make a list of general knowledge and skills, employer behavior, define necessary tools, equipment, supplies, materials and awareness of future trends and drone management problems.

Participants, representatives of the Project partners from Germany, Greece, Cyprus and Croatia, actively participated and contributed by providing valuable comments to highlight various aspects of the occupation of drone operators in the circumstances of the provision of postal services.

Validation workshop is conducted in order to validate the initial Occupational profile via partner input and EU framework analysis where high-performing incumbent workers identified their jobs. More to it, they identified the duties and tasks that make up their job, identified essential and/or most important components of a job, tasks that consume most of the workers time, tasks that should be included in training programs.